Never fear, headshots have not gone away!  I've just moved them to a different page to make things a little easier.  Click below to get info on headshots and event photography!

Looking for headshots?


Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Where is your studio located?

The studio is located at in Geneva, Illinois in the Mill Creek subdivision near the Mill Creek Market between the dry cleaners and an amazing ice cream shop!

Do we have to have a consultation?

An in-person consultation is a fantastic way to get to know each other, and the most efficient way to design your photo session. But if you absolutely can't make it, we can chat over Zoom or email.

When is the best time of year to have senior photos taken?

Typically a lot of senior photos are taken in the summer and fall of your senior year, but there are a lot of students that have their photos taken in May just before graduation.  My favorite months for photos are June and October!

Are your senior photos taken outside or inside?

Where we have your photos taken is completely up to you! I have a lovely 1000sqft studio and can offer lots of creative opportunities, but I also love the outdoors and we have so many great locations here!  We can also combine studio with an outdoor shoot!  However, I do not shoot outdoors between mid-November and the end of February unless someone specifically requests a snow session. (Brrrr!)

How far in advance should I schedule my session?

If you want to schedule your senior portraits for a busy month like May, September, or October, I would recommend reaching out at least two months in advance. But usually 4 weeks in advance is enough time to schedule a session.

When is the best time of day to have photos taken?

Well, we all love golden hour, which is typically 1-2 hours before sunset.  But sunrises are equally beautiful.  I do recommend avoiding having your session around noon, as that's when the sun is harshest, but to be honest I enjoy making any lighting situation beautiful!

Should parents come along for the photoshoot?

Having a parent there is strongly encouraged, but not required.  After all, this is just as fun for them! (You only get senior photos once!) You're also welcome to bring a friend or sibling to help with hair and clothing.  If you opt not to bring someone along, let me know and I'll arrange for an assistant to be there.

What are your prices?

Where are the best places to take photos?

Oh my gosh, so many great places local to us!  Some of my favorite areas are downtown Geneva, Fabyan Forest Preserve, and LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve. But I also have a few lesser known locations that are fun!  We can discuss all the options at your consultation and find something that fits you best!

Do you accept Bitcoin?

Yeah, hard pass, my friend! But I do accept credit cards, personal checks, and cash.  :-)

Before the Session

Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely!  Sometimes it's more fun with a friend!  I would also be happy to snap a few photos with you and your plus one!  But keep in mind, this photoshoot is "focused" (see what I did there?) on you. 

Can I bring my dog/cat/gerbil?

1,000 times yes! Just let me know during our consultation because some locations are not pet-friendly.

Is hair and makeup included?

Hair and makeup is not included, but I have a wonderful hair and makeup person to recommend who is an expert at getting people "camera ready".  However, don't feel pressured to get hair and makeup done before your session!  We want you to feel your best, and if you feel your best you'll look your best!

Will you help with posing?

If you are afraid you'll look awkward, fear no longer!  One of my superpowers to help you look natural in front of the camera.  We'll also take some fun candids to keep things loose and lively!

Can I bring sports equipment or musical instruments?

Of course!  No need to ask twice!  Seniors have brought saxophones, French horns, oboes, hockey sticks, soccer balls, baseball bats, ice skates, favorite books, and dance shoes! Nothing is off-limits!

How many locations are included?

The short answer is, as many as you want! We can chat about which locations speak to you and how much time you want to spend in front of the camera.

What if I have a breakout?

Unfortunately, acne is a fact of life. But modern editing techniques are truly amazing.  I have the policy of removing anything temporary (zits, bruises, scrapes) but I leave permanent parts of you (scars, moles) unless requested. My goal in editing is to have you look naturally you.

What should I wear?

We'll go over what outfits you should bring in our consultation, and in what order you should wear them in.  In general I recommend three outfits: an outfit you love, an outfit your parents love, and either a college t-shirt or something that represents a special time in high school (a letter jacket, a team jersey, a band uniform, etc...).

How long is the photoshoot?

On average most photoshoots are around 2 hours depending on how many locations we travel to, but we'll dial all that in at your consultation.  I've had some as short as 30 minutes, and some as long as three hours!

What happens if it rains?

Bring your flippers!  Just kidding!  I reschedule for three weather-related scenarios: a high heat index, rain, and winds above 10mph.

What if I get sick?

If you are not feeling well, then you won't look well in your photos!  I am happy to reschedule if you are feeling under the weather. This includes allergy flare ups -- no one wants photos of red and puffy eyes!  I want you to have fun at your session, and feeling good is a big part of that!

After the Session

How long before I see my photos?

Seeing your photos for the first time is just as exciting as your photoshoot!  Usually I have photos ready for your ordering appointment within two weeks of your photo session.

What if I only want digitals?

Then digitals you shall have!  All of the available collections include some form of digital package. In addition you can use your print credit to buy digitals.  It's entirely to use your ordering appointment to receive only digital images, but I curate products that are especially appealing to high school seniors and their families.  I have a feeling you'll want at least one piece of wall art of an album!

How long does it take for my products to arrive?

Most products arrive within 2-3 weeks of having the order placed, but I do carry a few specialty products that take around 6 weeks.

How long does it take to edit the photos?

Edited photos are available within two weeks after your ordering appointment.  Only ordered photos are edited.

Do I have to view my photos in person?

Absolutely! This is something I am pretty firm on.  First of all, you'll get your photos faster. Second, I can provide you with guidance and help you narrow your selections down. Third, I can answer directly any questions about the process or products without having to play email tag.  Trust me, you'll really appreciate the ordering appointment!

Can I get an on-line gallery?

Yes, I am more than happy to create an on-line gallery of your ordered digital images to share with friends and family!  Small prints (8x10 and smaller) can also be ordered at my ala carte prices. This gallery will be available for two months, but your ordered digital images will also be given to you on a USB for safe-keeping.

How many images will I get to choose from?

A LOT!  I am a habitual over-shooter, which works in your favor!  Photoshoots usually average around 100-125 images.

What things are available to order?

If you skip on over to my contact form and submit that, I would love to send you a product catalog showing you all the things!  I really try and offer products that will my clients will love:  canvases, metal prints, silk prints, retro polariod-like snapshots, graduation announcements and albums just to name a few!